510.000.000 qkm - just the first 1 mio for 3,- - than it is 20,-
We sell our burningpla.net to save itselfs
The world has 510.000.000 qkm of unsurpassed given beautiness. Now it is necessary to preserve our big, beauty planet!
The first 1 Million WErriors can buy the best places over the world for 3,- EUR and leave their forever footprint
after that it will be 20,-
why you should buy the best places for 3,-? 10 reasons:
being one of the first may be also an chance to sell your your best place for up to 20,- EUR - after buying at 3,- EUR
We automate the whole process after 100.000 WErriors
anyway, this is what you get for 3,- EUR/qkm:
- 1qkm of the world includes your certificate with the following parts
- 5 new planted trees worldwide through edenprojects.org ext link
- You spend 66 liters of drinkingwater through xxx ext link
- Place your message, brand and contact as a popup while swiping to your personal own place
- Get 10% off on the first World Saver Awards / burningpla.net magnetic pins - 48h before official start - each burningpla.net pin plants 20 trees and gives 66 liters drinkingwater -> ext link zur info
- Get an 0,08 EUR-Cent voucher for the upcoming burningpla.net etherum crypto - like the first bitcoin notation -> ext link zur info